ink-jet reset chips and other improvements
We apologize – our refilled HP ink – jet cartridges had a few flaws that we have finally addressed:
Mostly it was about the vacuum under which we were refilling the tri color cartridges like HP* 305 123 650 652 etc.
We also improved the sponge material inside.
we are working on equipping most of our refilled INK CARTRIDGES WITH RESET CHIPS. – to make them more user friendly.
Something we have been doing for years with our toner cartridges we are now going to introduce for refilled ink cartridges.
The reason we delayed with this for so long is that – for ink cartridges – it is a much more complicated workstep. But we have tested it and established the necessary equipment and know how to do it.
This means our refilled cartridges – e.g. Canon 445 446 / XL, HP 305 123 650 953 will very shortly work basically exactly like original cartridges.
When installing them they will show a full ink level.